(國外翻譯) 使用”Finasteride “之後效果分享! ! !

時間:2014-06-12 09:22:30   來源:    點擊:
I'm 31. I started losing hair around 18. At 20, I was a Norwood 2 I would say. My hairline didn't recede much after that, but my hair kept falling out. At 24 I saw a doctor and he recommended Propecia. Back then I was a college student and couldn't afford it.

I kept losing hair. I tried Rogaine and Xandrox, but something about minoxidil doesn't agree with me . I get kind of an uncomfortable feeling, and my heart rate jumps to 90-100 at rest. I used them on and off but never took them for any significant period of time.

About 18 months ago, I had Propecia prescribed. For the first two months, I noticed my sex drive was very low. I read that this was supposed to be a passing phase, and indeed it was. I was back to normal at month three or four.

I am quite the skeptic, and I didn't believe Propecia could do much. Was I wrong. I noticed my hair getting fuller as the months went by. I stopped losing hair, and even noticed my hairline advancing, albeit very slowly

Take a look at the pictures. The one in the tie is before. The others are after.

我今年31岁。脱发是从我18岁开始的,20岁的时候,我的脱发等级为2级。虽然发际线并么有后移的现象。但是我的头发却是在一直脱落。 当我24岁的时候,我去看了一个医生,他建议我使用保法止。可那时候我还只是一个大学生,根本负担不起。

之后,我的脱发一直么有停止。我试过落健和Xandrox(一种生发溶液由美国著名的Doctor Lee开发,并未获得FDA的认可),但是发现,一些含有米诺地尔的生发液,不是很适合我。。我的身体感觉很不好,正常情况下,心率到了90-100。




上一篇:使用印度保康絲finax+泡沫倍健 4個月見到明顯效果

下一篇:我的治療經過,分享給大家。 (國外發友治療經歷)